Mission, Vision & Values Statement:
MISSION - Optimizing the quality of life for individuals and families
with social-developmental challenges.
VISION – GroupWorks West as a world-class provider and leader for services of individuals and families affected by autism, non-verbal learning disability, social anxiety, and mood disorders.
VALUES – Enhancing and advocating for the integrity, autonomy, and freedom of individuals and families affected by social-developmental challenges.
Supporting the individuals we serve in living the lives they choose
Respecting, trusting and encouraging each other to demonstrate initiative, authority, skill and inspiration
Extending our impact by advocating in multiple venues for the broader needs and rights of people with autism and their families
Nurturing Interdependence
Recognizing that our work does not exist in a vacuum
Expecting respectful interactions between the people we serve and our staff
Actively fostering an open exchange of ideas with a sustained focus on collaboration towards a common end of enhancing the quality of life and rights of individuals affected by autism
Growing and deepening mutually beneficial relationships with families and community partners
Delivering programs, services and a culture that adhere to the highest principles of care
Holding ourselves to measurable outcomes to determine our success in achieving our mission
Being transparent with our clients; always placing the greater good of the people we serve above our own needs
Continuously searching for and creating new opportunities and ways of providing service
Encouraging and rewarding thoughtful risk taking to overcome challenges
Supporting and encouraging creativity and self-determination
Grounding our work in a core belief in the inherent value of each individual, and our shared capacity to learn and grow
Building on strengths and supporting each other to create a stronger team and achieve new heights
Being able to understand the perspective of the individuals we serve and our community partners
High Expectations
All individuals achieving a life of quality
All families becoming an on-going, integral and contributing member of the circle of support for their loved one